Chief April Merrill (far right) always has time for the children.

Head Dancers were looking great.

Young lady from the Abenaki children's dance group shows the reason we are still here.

The pride in this young girl's face is the reason the Abenaki continue to struggle to be recognized. She could be the poster model for the Abenaki People.

Fred Wiseman in full regalia. Stunning beadwork was done by a former student of his. Notice also, the fine ribbon work and beautifully carved staff

Two beautiful ladies in leather regalia dance in unison.

Don Stevens stepping out. Gotta love those smiles.

Head dancer, TK, dancing on the wind and deep in thought.

Another fancy shawl dancer steps out.

Woman's drum from Canada came again this year and sounded just as wonderful as always. They were one of four drums which attended.

One of the four drums was the Abenaki children's drum. Notice the two women (rear right) from the Canadian drum admiring these young people as they share their skills.

These are beautiful examples of woodland style clothing from about the early 1900s.
Notice the combination of ribbon work with bead work. Both leather and cloth were frequently used together in a single outfit.

The back of these photos show both front and back of woodland regalia. Dress on the right is better known as the "strap" dress with a "pair of sleeves."

The group of Elnu folks are always interesting to listen to. They brought many artifacts for the public to look at and discuss.

On Sunday, there were four generations of Bruchac men on hand to sell books and CDs. There were many fine vendors on hand with beautiful hand crafted items from VT, CT, NY, and other states , providing something for everyone.